KDC Nomination
C ER T I F I CA T E OF COMP L I ANC E Certificate Number E173743 Report Reference E173743-19981027 Date 2023-June-05 Deborah Jennings-Conner, VP Regulatory Services UL LLC Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at http://ul.com/aboutul/locations/ This is to certify that representative samples of the product as specified on this certificate were tested according to the current UL requirements Appliance Wire, Extruded PVC, Insulated Singles, Class I, Group A, B, or A/B. Appliance Wire, Extruded SRPVC, Insulated Singles, Class I, Group A, B or A/B. Appliance Wire, Single or Multiconductor Cable with non-integral PVC jacket, Class I, II, or I/II, Group A, B, or A/B. Appliance Wire, Extruded FEP, Insulated Singles, Class I, Group A, B, or A/B. Appliance Wire, Extruded XLPE, Insulated Singles, Class I, Group A, B, or A/B. Appliance Wire, Extruded PE Insulated Singles, Group A, B, or A/B, for further processing in jacketed cable. Appliance Wire, Single or Multiconductor Cable with non-integral XLPE jacket, Class I, II, or I/II, Group A, B, or A/B. Appliance Wire, Extruded Foamed PE Insulated Singles, Class I, Group A, B, or A/B.
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